All We Can


The Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF) needed to reach beyond their traditional supporter base.

With a keen eye on a sustainable future, the MRDF leadership team had identified that without significant action the charity faced demographic decline within a decade. They needed to be able engage with the new generation of Methodists, while also reaching out beyond their core support of Methodist churches in the UK.

We worked with the team to develop a new positioning strategy and provided a full rebrand, with a new name and supporter engagement plan, for this highly trusted and effective International development charity.



Understanding what matters to supporters

We collaborated with the senior team across a series of workshops to analyse the brand, explore opportunities over the next decade and develop a better understanding of what really matters to supporters.

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You led the process with sensitivity and strategic clarity. the result is both inspirational and has absolute integrity.
— Simeon Mitchel, Communications Director


Measuring success

All We Can was shortlisted for Best New Brand at the Third Sector Awards and the charity also saw a 14% increase in it's annual fundraising income, suggesting it had both maintained current support and created a fresh level of interest with its new position.



New name

The result was All We Can – a new, energetic and optimistic name, which underlines a challenge to make a deep commitment to global social change. At the same time, the phrase All We Can has deep Methodist roots, based as it is on a famous quote by John Wesley: ‘Do all the good you can. For all the people you can. In all the ways you can. Just as long as ever you can.”

Wesley’s words exemplify the passionate sense of practical charity at the heart of Methodism and provided a golden thread of continuity to MRDF’s brand heritage.



Brand toolkit

We developed a new brand toolkit for All We Can, including logo, strap line, key messages and the key brand idea: ‘Poverty is personal. So is the solution.’ We supported with a launch campaign and fundraising materials.

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Young Hackney